Category: Uncategorized
Supporting a student’s family after the death of a loved one
Following the death of a child’s family member, teachers may find that the child’s parent/s or carers come to them for advice and support. Grief responses encompass a wide range of emotions, thoughts and behaviours. It is important for parents and staff to know that everyone experiences grief differently and that many people will continue
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I read with interest an article in The Age (Sunday 4/10/2104) by American Paediatrician Jane Scott, titled Parents, down phone and listen, which highlighted issues associated with parents who use social media, whilst caring for children. Scott notes that when carers constantly use social media in the presence of their children there are frequent breaks
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‘What I do I can say What I say can be written down What is written down can be read.’A simple saying, that highlights an often neglected aspect of the curriculum, from early years to senior years–the development of oral language competence. Learning to read is fundamentally a linguistic task, drawing heavily on a child’s
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Last week Murray and I flew up to the Central Coast of New South Wales to deliver a series of presentations to four schools in Lake Munmorah. We were greeted with warm weather, sunshine, 130 enthusiastic teachers and principals, delicious food, and a jellyfish (but that’s another story). The presentation series ran over a day
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Students are better able to manage their school day and learn effectively when they are healthy, feel safe, can regulate their feelings and emotions and are largely worry free. Linking individual student wellbeing and management with teaching and learning are on-going challenges for today’s classroom teachers. The following eight factors can help build student wellbeing. The
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Learning difficulties screening tool for school beginners
FREE learning difficulties screening tool to use with students in the first year of school. The screening tool can be completed by a pre-school or early years primary school teacher. The person completing the form must have known the child for at least four weeks. How you use the tool is up to you and
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This week we officially launched Psych4Schools twice! Two launches to acknowledge staff from several schools who have trialled and supported Psych4Schools across Victoria during the last two years. The week prior Murray also shared the website with primary principals on the south coast of NSW. Milton Public School Principal Mary Lou Barclay who assisted with trialling
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