Category: Classroom activities
We need to talk about handwriting
Pencils, pens and paper remain relevant Despite the widespread uptake of word processing from the 1980s, the rapid rise of the Internet in the early 2000s, and more recently the increased use of laptops and other digital devices people continue to write by hand each day. Handwriting remains entrenched because pens and pencils are low
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Impact of COVID-19 and preparing for Term 4
As teachers and students take a well-earned break, we wish to send a huge shout-out to teachers who have been working harder than ever to ensure the wellbeing of our nation’s children, as well as managing teaching and learning programs. This is such a challenge when many adults, including teachers are feeling heightened levels of
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Welcome back to our Members and eNews Subscribers. A special welcome to new members who have joined in recent days. This is a busy time of year as teachers, support staff and other school professionals meet new students, organise programs, teaching and learning activities and resources. We would like to share five ideas that you
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Write a good things diary (aka a gratitude journal for the classroom)
The last days of school are upon us, and both students and teachers are eager for the holidays. At this time, motivation can drop, as we are all tired from the extra work requirements of exams and reports, and the end of year school and social activities. ‘This is a time when grumpy behaviour from
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Hot tips to get you through the last days of school
How are you feeling today? Exhausted? Sad? Relieved? Stressed? Excited? With only a few days (for those lucky ones) or a week or so until the end of the school year, you may feel like you’re limping along to the summer holiday finish line. Me too. Here’s what has been helping me get through the
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Reflect on the year – write a letter
This is a great time for students (and teachers) to actively reflect on their year. Taking time to think about what has been achieved this year both academically and personally is a great way to help students feel a sense of competency and closure at this time of the school year. Self-reflection can also help
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