There are about 200 serious or chronic health conditions affecting Australian children and adolescents. A health condition that lasts three or more months, affects a child’s daily living, requires frequent hospitalisation, extra home care, and/or extensive medical care and treatment nationwide.[1] Mokkink, L. B., van der Lee, J. H., Grootenhuis, M. A., Offringa, M., Heymans, H.
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Almost one-fifth of all Australian children are overweight and approximately 6 per cent are obese.[1]Department of Health and Ageing (DoHA), (October, 2008). 2007 Australian National Children’s Nutrition and Physical Activity Survey. Similar patterns are found in other Western countries, including the United Kingdom and New Zealand. Factors that may cause a child to be overweight
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A large number of children live with a parent who has a chronic, distressing or possibly life-threatening illness. The parent may have a mental illness, such as depression or schizophrenia, a terminal illness such as advanced cancer, a chronic illness such as diabetes or heart disease or an episodic or acute short-term condition such as
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